About me

Hello! I'm Carlos García González, also knows as Carlos Chilla or Chilla, maybe you can find me in some darkness places as Chillaso. My name it's too common so I must do tricky stuffs to get a cool username in popular sites.

I'm Software Architect working at NTT Data working with microservices, DevOps and cloud technologies like Kubernetes. I spend a lot of time developing back-end APIs trying to always keep in mind Uncle Bob knowleadge, beeing always as clean as possible when writting code. I love known about software patterns, desing, achitecture and refactoring, I love reading Robert C Martin or Martin Fowler.

But not all is going to be software, there are much more! Live in nature is one of my passions, I really love trekking and camping without any material, only with my scouting skills, climb the biggest mountain to take fantastic phothos and be amazed by the incredible landscapes we have in Spain. Usually, when I go to nature, I go as scout, if you know something about scout, forget it, it's a big lie, we don't sell cookies and don't help grandmas to cross the street. We are an educational movement based on nature contact and small groups lifes, I help children and young people from 9 to 21 years to be better persons, be more critical with society they live and teach them we have to left world better than we found it.

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